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Adult Orthodontics


With improvement in technology and materials more and more adults are considering treatment.

Most adults consider seeing an orthodontist for two reasons : 

(1) Their dentist has told them that their teeth are crooked, a problem which will eventually affect their oral health; and/or

(2)  They are unhappy with the appearance of their face. Large spaces between their teeth, crooked lower teeth, and a protruding over-bite or buck teeth are a few of the most common complaints. 

Common questions that come in mind when an adult considers seeing an Orthodontist :-

Am I too old for Orthodontics ?
There is no age limit for Orthodontics. Teeth and tissue are essentially the same in both adults and children. Orthodontists can successfully realign crooked teeth or a protruding overbite regardless of your age.

How long will it take ?         
Treatment, or Orthodontic correction, can vary from the comparatively simple closing of front space in a few months, to the realignment of unsightly and disfiguring teeth, to a complete rehabilitation of a neglected mouth that could take up to two years or longer.
Most Orthodontists agree that adult treatment will usually take from 10 to 20 percent longer due to the difference in the physiologic responses of the tissues in the mouth of an adult as compared with a ten or twelve year old. Simply put, an adult's bone structure is more dense and firmly set, so a slightly longer response time to tooth movement can be expected. 

How much will it cost ?       
Adult Orthodontic fees are only slightly higher than those required for younger patients.

How do Orthodontists straighten teeth ?  
Tooth movement is actually a normal response to light pressures exerted on teeth. Pressure is applied by using a variety of Orthodontic hardware (appliances), the most common being a brace or bracket attached to the teeth and connected by wires. By tightening the wires the teeth receive pressure.

Will it hurt ?                          
Discomfort, which usually lasts for 48 to 72 hours occurs as a result of braces. The teeth are comfortable after this period. Each subsequent monthly appointment may result in minor short term discomfort due to wire tightening.    

Why should I be concerned about a bad bite ? 
Bad bites can be detrimental to a patient's health. Restorations, crowns or bridges are often impossible for a dentist to perform without prior repositioning of the teeth by an Orthodontist. Properly aligned and supported teeth are healthier, easier to clean, and therefore more likely to last longer.   

Will I look funny ?                    
No. Minor corrections can be accomplished with braces completely concealed within the mouth. More involved treatment may require braces on the teeth to successfully move them to the desired positions. Ceramic brackets, which are similar in color to teeth, are less obvious to the casual observer and offer the versatility of regular stainless steel braces.

What about surgical correction ? 
Surgical intervention called Ortho-gnathic surgery can offer dramatic results in certain cases where jaw relationships are so severely malposed that tooth movement alone cannot accomplish desired changes. This treatment requires close cooperation between your Orthodontist and the Oral (Maxillo-Facial) surgeon. If indicated this can be a viable alternative to conventional Orthodontic treatment.

How often will I need office visits ? 
In the initial stage, the appointments are more frequent. Once the appliances (braces) are fabricated and in place, the adjustment appointments are scheduled at approximately once in three weeks.

Will improvement be permanent ? 
The combined experience of Orthodontists across the world,  point to a 95 percent permanent improvement rate. Teeth, like all parts of the body, are constantly changing and adapting. Minor movement or relapse must be expected, but conscientious wear of retainers following treatment can minimize these changes.

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