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Dental First Aid


Injuries to the mouth may include teeth that are knocked out (avulsed), forced out of position (extruded) or broken (fractured). Sometimes lips, gums or cheeks have cuts. Oral injuries are often painful, and should be treated by a dentist as soon as possible.

Avulsed teeth / loose teeth
If your tooth is knocked out you should:
·Immediately call your dentist for emergency advice. 
·Try to find the tooth. 
·Gently rinse the tooth under water, but do not scrub to remove dirt or debris. 
·Place the clean tooth in your mouth between the cheek and gum. 
·Do not attempt to replace the tooth into the socket without advice. This could cause further damage. 
·Get to the dentist as soon as possible. If it is within a half hour of the injury, it may be possible to re-implant the tooth. 
·If it is not possible to store the tooth in the mouth of the injured person, (e.g., young child) wrap the tooth in a clean cloth or gauze and immerse in milk 

Extruded teeth                   
If a tooth is pushed out of place (inward or outward), it should be repositioned to its normal alignment with very light finger pressure. Do not force the tooth into its socket. Hold the tooth in place with a moist tissue or gauze. Again, it is vital to seek advice from a dentist within 30 minutes.

Fractured teeth                  
How a fractured tooth is treated will depend on how badly it is broken. Generally fractured teeth are not considered a dental emergency unless causing severe pain. Regardless of the damage subsequent treatment should be sought from a dentist.

Minor fracture                    
Minor fractures can be smoothed by your dentist or simply left alone. Another option is to restore the fractured area with some white filling material. In either case, you should treat the tooth with care for a few days.

Moderate fracture             
Moderate fractures include damage to the enamel, dentine and/or nerve tissue of the tooth. If the nerve tissue is not permanently damaged, the tooth may be restored with white filling material. Sometimes it is more appropriate to restore the tooth with a permanent crown. If the nerve tissue of the tooth has become damaged further dental treatment may be required.

Severe fracture                   
Severe fractures often mean a traumatised tooth with a slim chance of recovery.

Inuries to the soft tissue of the mouth
Injuries to the inside of the mouth include tears, puncture wounds and lacerations to the cheek, lips or tongue. Clean the affected area as soon as possible. Depending on the size of the wound it may then be necessary to arrange an appointment with the dentist for suturing.
Bleeding from the tongue can be reduced by pulling the tongue forward and using gauze to place pressure on the wound area.

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