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FAQ's About Prosthodontics


Who is a Prosthodontist ?      

A Prosthodontist is a dentist who specializes in the restoration and replacement of broken and missing teeth and its surrounding structures. His training lasts an additional three years after five years of Dental school.  During that time, he is taught in greater detail both about removable and fixed Prosthodontics.

What are removable dentures ?
Removable dentures replaces one or more missing teeth with appliances that the patients themselves can remove and wear such as complete dentures and partial dentures.

What is a fixed denture ?       
Fixed dentures is a  prosthetic appliance permanently attached to remaining teeth, which replaces one or more missing teeth with restorations that the patient cannot remove on his own, such as veneers, crowns, bridges, and implants.

What is a crown ?                    
It is a cemented extra coronal restoration that covers, or veneers, the outer surface of the clinical crown. It restores the damaged portion of the tooth along with its function. It protects the tooth from any further damage.

What are complete dentures ? 
Complete dentures are prosthetic appliance that replaces a complete set of upper and lower missing teeth and its supporting structures for maintaining esthetics, function and muscular tonicity.

What is the difference between conventional dentures and immediate dentures ?
Conventional dentures are dentures that are made and placed after the remaining teeth have been removed and the tissues have healed. Immediate dentures are dental appliances that are placed immediately after the removal of the remaining teeth . The patient does not stay without teeth at all.It is useful for patients who are esthetically conscious.

What is an over-denture ?      
An over-denture is a dental appliance  which is tooth supported over remaining natural teeth or implants, replacing lost or missing natural dentition and associated structures. It receives partial support and stability from the modified natural teeth.

What are metal dentures ?    
Metal or cast dentures may also be used to replace some or all missing teeth. Its main advantage is that its lighter than a conventional denture.They are much thinner. As it is made of metal it has a good thermal conductivity and the patient can have better perception of temperature.

What do dentures feel like ?  
For a few weeks, new dentures will feel awkward until you become accustomed to them. They might feel loose until the cheek and tongue muscles learn to hold them in position. It is not unusual to feel minor irritation or soreness. The patient needs to see his or her dentist for regular fit adjustments to relieve any soreness. The patient needs to see his or her dentist for adjustments to relieve any sore areas.The tongue also has to adapt to the changes to master speech with new dentures.

Are you able to eat with dentures ? 
Eating with dentures will take a little practice. You should start with soft foods that are cut into small pieces. As you become used to chewing, you can return to your normal diet.

Are there foods you should avoid if you wear dentures ?
There are only a few eating restrictions for denture wearers. Avoid biting down directly on crunchy or hard foods, like whole apples, hard pretzels, crusty bread, or large sandwiches. They can break because of the angle where the denture comes into contact with the hard surface.

Biting is limited only by the stability of the dentures.-Factors which decrease stability of a denture are : Insufficient bone structure (shrunken bone ridges covered by gum tissue), old or worn dentures, and a dry mouth.

If you wear dentures, are dental adhesives necessary ? 
Today's dentures have been significantly improved through advances in both dental and materials technologies. As a result, dentures that fit properly usually do not require adhesives to secure them. When you are just getting used to dentures, adhesives may be advised, but otherwise should not be necessary.

A loose denture is a sign that it doesn't fit your mouth correctly. When first getting used to dentures, you may notice them slipping when you laugh, smile, or cough, which is caused by air getting under the base and moving it. The more you wear dentures, the better you will be able to control their movements in these situations.

How do I clean the dentures ?
Maintaining oral hygiene is very important. Plaque on the denture can cause irritation to the gums along with bad mouth odour.Rinsing the denture with water after every meal is very important. The denture should be left in a cleanser overnight for killing microorganisms. Toothpastes should not be used on the dentures. 

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