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They are the future of teeth straightening



  • Invisalign is the most advanced and aesthetic alternative to braces.

  • These clear aligners are virtually invisible & biologically sound way to get that perfect smile.

  • Invisalign aligners are made of a smooth, clear plastic that’s virtually invisible.

  • Each aligner change is a small step towards your big transformation, moving your teeth comfortably and efficiently towards their final position.

  • We would advise if you are suitable to change your aligners every week rather than every two weeks, you could achieve your new smile in as little as 3 months, that’s up to 50% faster than before.



1. The Consultation

Once your we have confirmed you’re eligible for treatment, we will take photos, X-rays and digital scans (iTero Scan), of your teeth. These records will help us get a 3Dimensional model of your teeth on our computer. Working along with the technicians in the Invisalign lab a well thought of biologically sound movement of your teeth will be planned  (ClinCheck® 3D treatment plan), to give you the perfect smile. The approximate predicted results will be shown immediately on the computer.


2. The Aligners

After being custom-made and shipped to our office (4-6 Weeks Time), you’ll receive a series of aligners to wear every day and change at home – on average every 1-2 weeks.  One is asked to wear the aligner atleast 2 Hours a day removing it only for meals and for brushing.


3. The Results

You’ll visit us around every 6-8 weeks to monitor progress and receive new aligners. After finishing your treatment, retainers will be required to maintain your new smile. 





1. Predictable result. The results are shown before starting the treatment

2. Aesthetically supreme. Virtually invisible.

3. No restriction in eating. No breakages. Unlike braces the patient has to remove the aligners while eating.

4. Brushing is not compromised. In braces there are always chances of food lodgement leading to caries. With Invisalign the aligners need to be removed while eating.

5. Recall appointments are less frequent.

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