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  • Dr. Jayna

The New Normal - Reopening of our Clinics.

COVID-19, also known as SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) has made a significant impact on Dentistry and other healthcare professions around the world. Once in the human body, this coronavirus is abundantly present in nasopharyngeal and salivary secretions of affected patients, and its spread is predominantly thought to be respiratory droplet/contact in nature.

The profession of Dentistry has a unique environment because it involves aerosol generating procedures on a regular basis that pose a risk to the dentist, dental assistant and staff who are within close proximity of the patient. The aerosols are also believed to stay suspended in the air for a period of time, posing a risk to patients as well. The safety of our patients, our team and our community are at the core of our profession, and our goal is to provide care in a safe environment.

At Jayna Dental World, we have gone above and beyond the basic standards of infection control and prevention. We have taken multiple steps involving training, research and implementation of engineering controls to deliver dental care under the recommendations of the following agencies who have addressed the COVID-19 situation:

· Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, USA)

· American Dental Association (ADA)

· Indian Dental Association

· Indian Orthodontic Society


  1. We are seeing patients only on appointments, so kindly call up the clinic number before coming (+91-11-29230727) between 2:00P.M. -6:00 P.M. on a weekday.

  2. Do brush your teeth before coming.

  3. Preferably come alone, Maximum one attendant is allowed with a patient.

  4. Wear a Mouth Mask when you come.

  5. Before you come we will send you a questionnaire on Whatsapp. Do fill it.

  6. At the Entrance of the clinic we have kept some hand sanitizer and Shoe sanitizer. Please use both before entering.

  7. Your temperature would be recorded by the reception staff.

  8. Try and keep your hands crossed so as not to touch anything.

  9. Once your chance comes you would be asked to gargle with betadine mouthwash.

  10. After leaving the clinic try not to touch your face and as soon as you reach home take a bath and change your clothes.


1. Only emergency and running orthodontic treatment is being done. Treatment that we are not doing currently are :-

  • Routine Dental Checkups.

  • Scaling and cleaning of teeth.

  • Regular fillings unless causing discomfort.

  • Extractions unless causing severe discomfort.

  • Periodontics / gum treatment.

  • New Implant Cases.

  • Extractions which needs bone / tooth cutting.

  • Aesthetic Treatments.

  • New Orthodonitc cases / repair of brocken braces.

  • Patents above 65 years ,under 10 years of age or with severe systemic diseases.

2. Cleaning of the floor is done using the triple bucket technique (sweeping using hot water with soap -> rinsing the cloth in clean water -> sweeping using hot water with H2O2).

3. The door knobs and reception seating are wiped with disinfectant multiple times.

4. The Reception Staff is wearing PPE with face mask, shoe covers, head caps and gloves. Please maintain a distance from them and try and do contactless payments like credit card / money transfer etc.

5. In the clinical area an impermeable single piece autocalved PPE is worn covering from head to toe is worn by the doctor. It might be difficult to recoganize us in these overalls.

6. Fumigation is done in between patients.

7. The chair and the work area is wiped in between patients using disinfectant.

8. We are using separate rooms for aerosol procedures and non aerosol procedures.

9. For the instruments sterilisation we follow the underlying steps

  • All instruments are washed in warm water.

  • For three minutes instruments are placed in an ultrasonic cleaner with warm enzymatic cleaner.

  • They are washed again. Also the oiling of the hand pieces are done.

  • Every instrument is pouched and then autoclaved. (steam under pressure at 134 degree centigrade for 15 min)

  • After autoclaving instruments are placed in an ultraviolet chamber.

10. Multiple Air Purifiers are running in the clinic.

As of May 3rd, 2020 we are restricted by the local authorities to administer only emergency care. The regulation should hopefully be lifted soon. We appreciate your understanding in the matter.

We understand the setup may be overwhelming, but rest assured, guidelines suggested by various organizations are implemented to keep your and our safety as highest concern.

If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact us .

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